Here is a list of projects involved in the Docathon along with information about contributions to their documentation. If you'd like to help out with a project, click an image below to see more information about it. If you'd like to see your project here, please fill in this registration form
Docathon projects
academicpages - bokeh - carlsim3 - carlsim4 - clawpack
cottoncandy - data science education infrastructure - deeplearning4j - diy - galaxy
galaxy hub - getorg - hdbscan - henson - ipython
julia - jupyter - - matplotlib - mne-python
msnoise - omeka - pandas - pmagpy - pomegranate
pulse2percept - pycortex - quanteda - quanteda_readtext - scikit-image
scikit-learn - scipy - sncosmo - sunpy - sylius - watchtower - yt
Project leaders