- Documentation:
- Github organization:
scikit-learn is a flexible machine-learning toolkit writtin in Python:
- Simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis
- Accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts
- Built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib
- Open source, commercially usable - BSD license
Open Doc issues
- permutation_test_score documentation: pvalue when scoring is a loss function
- LogisticregressionCV doesn't document shape of C_ properly
- Isomap and LocallyLinearEmbedding do not accept sparse matrix input (contrary to documentation)
- TfidfTransformer.idf_ does not appear to be documented
- Zeal/Dash documentation
- SVM documentation clarification: Higher values of C -> more support vectors?
- TfidfVectorizer documentation doesn't track TfidfTransformer
- document _pairwise in the dev docs
- RFE/RFECV docstring should say estimator can supply feature_importances_ not just coef_
- Q: doc svc.fit_status_
- Add examples to class docs
- KernelDensity docstring
- Reformulate python version instructions in dev docs