Workshop Title: Introducing the Shell

Introducing the Shell

Our introduction to best practices in scientific computing begins with one of the oldest and most venerable software tools — the shell. As with every tool and practice that we’ll cover during these lessons, we’ll only have time to introduce you to the very basics of using the shell. We’ll focus our time here on (a) the core skills that you’ll need to get stuff done, particularly those that you’ll need to complete the other lessons in this series, and (b) the overarching concepts of scientific computing that the use of the shell illustrates.

Before we get started, I’ll note that some of you, especially those of you who deal routinely with large numbers of small files (i.e., sensor data saved every hour by an instrument), will benefit from learning more advanced skills than those that we’ll cover here. If you’re interested, check out this more detailed shell tutorial from Software Carpentry.

From buttons to the command line

So, to kick off, what exactly is “the shell”? Although these days when we think of “a computer” we immediately imagine buttons, menus, folders, etc., you’re probably aware that this wasn’t always the case. In the days before graphical user interfaces (GUIs), all interaction with computers occurred through a process that involved sending a computer text commands and waiting for the computer to show you some text back in response. Today, this text-based manner of interacting with a computer is known as a command line interface, and using it is known as “working at the command line”.


When we’re working at the command line, our interactions with the computer follow what’s known as a read-evaluate-print loop, which means that we type in something, the computer reads it, does something that we’ve told it to do, and prints the output back to us. We do this over and over again until we’re done and log off. Although we’ve used the word “computer” above to indicate the actor who reads and replies to our text input, the actor that we are communicating with directly is actually a specialized program called “the shell”. We can tell the shell to do all sorts of things, including to work with files on our hard drive and to run other specialized command line programs.

Why the shell?

Since this is the 2010’s (can you believe it?), why should we bother learning how to use the shell? The most important reason is that much of the rest of the scientific computing pipeline depends on it. Once you make the leap of breaking out of your comfortable R or Matlab GUI and trying to practice more advanced scientific computing, you’ll immediately need to interact with the shell. On an immediate basis, you’ll need to be comfortable with the skills in this lesson in order to complete our subsequent lessons on scientific programming, version control, testing, and reproducible workflows. Furthermore, once you become comfortable in the shell, you’ll find that there are many tasks that you can do more quickly through the shell than through your old graphical programs.

Here are some specific benefits that the shell (and command line) give you:

In this lesson we’ll review how to use the shell for four common types of tasks that are a part of scientific computing.

  1. Viewing and interacting with files and directories on your hard drive
  2. Launching and using command line programs
  3. Chaining different programs together to achieve overall computing tasks
  4. Searching for text within files

Launching the shell

To get started, let’s launch a shell session. If you’re on a Mac, go to your Applications folder, then to the folder Utilities, then open the program Terminal. On Windows, presuming that you’ve installed Git for Windows as per the instructions, you can go to the Start menu, Programs, Git, and then open the Git Bash program. If you’re running Linux, you probably already know where the shell is and how to use it — if you’re running our Linux Virtual Machine for the first time, look under the button at the bottom left of the screen (that looks like the old Windows Start Menu) for something called shell or terminal.

Once you launch a terminal session, you’ll see a window pop up with something like this printed in it.

Last login: Thu Jan 16 17:50:22 on ttys001

This means you’re set to go, even if you don’t exactly know where we’re going yet. You may have other text in front of the $ symbol on your computer, which is fine. You’ll notice that if you start typing, your text appears following the $ symbol. This state is known as being at a command prompt, and it’s the first step in the read-execute-print loop that we mentioned earlier. In other words, the shell is now waiting for us to tell it to do something.

1. Working with directories and files

Moving around your filesystem

Probably the most fundamental and most frequent type of task that you’ll complete in the shell will involve navigating around your hard drive and working with files and directories. Head over to the shell and to your command prompt, type the command pwd and hit return, and watch what the shell prints out.

~$ pwd

The response of your shell will be different, of course, unless your name is also Chris Holdgraf. The command pwd is short for “print working directory” and it tells us which directory the shell is currently in. (This is the command line equivalent to opening a particular folder on your hard drive.) When you launch a shell session, you’re automatically placed in a location known as your “home directory” to start off.

So now we know what directory we’re in, but we don’t know what’s in it. To see the contents of this folder, type the command ls, short for “listing”, and hit return.

~$ ls
Applications        Dropbox         Projects
Desktop             Library         Public
Documents           Movies          Sites
Music               Downloads       Pictures

Once again, you’ll see something different depending on what’s actually in this folder on your computer. If you want to confirm that you know what’s going on, use your “normal” graphical operating system to open the folder indicated by the pwd command, and you’ll see that these folders and/or files are, in fact, where the shell says they are. (If you’re using Git Bash on Windows, you may also see some extra system files here that your Windows graphical interface normally hides from you.)

Now that we know what directory (“folder”, in a graphical interface) we’re in and what’s in this directory, let’s start moving around our file system. To do this, we use a command cd, for “change directory”.

~$ cd

Hmm, that didn’t seem to do anything. It turns out that running the command cd without any additional information changes your working directory to your home directory, which is where we already are (since the shell places us in our home directory by default). To be useful, we need to give cd an argument, which is some information following the name of the command itself. The first argument that you give cd is an indication of which directory you’d like to go to.

We know from running ls that one of the subdirectories of your home directory is “Desktop”. Let’s change directories into our Desktop directory.

~$ cd Desktop

If you run the command ls, you should now see a list of all of the files and folders on your computer’s desktop. If ls prints no output, then you have no files or folders currently sitting on your desktop — congrats on being organized!

Quick tip — now that we’re in the Desktop directory, how to we go back “up” to our home directory. For that we can use the special argument .. to the cd command.

Desktop$ cd ..
~$ pwd
~$ cd Desktop/
Desktop$ pwd

What is a “path”?

Before we move on to working with files, one final important vocabulary word is “path”. The path refers to the location of a directory or file on your hard drive — we would thus say that /Users/choldgraf/Desktop is the path to my Desktop directory. There are two ways to think of paths - absolute and relative. Absolute paths, like /Users/choldgraf/Desktop, give the location of a file or directory from the root of your entire file system, which is indicated by the leading / character (cd / will take you to this root). Relative paths specify the location of a file or folder relative to your present working directory (i.e., the relative path is “glued on” to your current path). If you’re in your home folder /Users/choldgraf, the commands cd /Users/choldgraf/Desktop and cd Desktop thus take you to the same place, but the former uses an absolute path (and would work from anywhere) while the latter uses a relative path.

Finally, remember that if you ever get lost, pwd will tell you where you are and cd with no arguments will take you back to your home folder.

Creating and moving files

Now that you’re in your Desktop directory, let’s create a directory to hold all of the materials for this workshop. The command mkdir, short for “make directory”, will create a directory. It requires one argument, which is the path (absolute or relative) to the directory that you wish to create.

Desktop$ mkdir workshop
Desktop$ cd workshop

We’ve now created and moved into a directory named workshop in our Desktop directory. If you look at your actual Desktop on your computer, you should see that, in fact, a new folder called workshop has appeared there. Remember, the shell is just giving you an alternative way of working with the same folders and files that you see when you use your “normal” graphical interface.

Now that we’ve created our directory, let’s put a file in it. A simple command that lets us create an empty file with nothing in it is touch, which takes one argument for the path to the file (using the file name as the argument represents a relative path, which puts the file in your current directory).

workshop$ touch file.txt
workshop$ ls

We can easily rename or move existing files with the mv command, which takes one argument for the existing path to the file and one argument for the new path to the file. The command below uses two relative paths to perform a simple rename of the file.

workshop$ mv file.txt file1.txt
workshop$ ls

Since this file isn’t doing much for us, let’s delete it using rm, short for “remove”.

workshop$ rm file1.txt
workshop$ ls

Important note — the shell has no concept of a trash can, so once you’ve deleted a file using rm, it’s gone forever. As such, use it carefully.

Removing an empty directory is just as easy as removing a file, but removing a full directory requires us to add one extra argument to the rm command (more on this concept later) — rm -r directory-name will delete a directory called directory-name and all of its contents.

Exercise 1

Change directories to your desktop. Use touch to recreate file.txt on your Desktop, and then use mv to move it into your workshop directory. Remove the workshop directory and the file in it. Recreate the workshop directory and cd back into it.

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Quick Tips

As you perform the above steps, there are two very useful productivity shortcuts for working in the shell that you should try out. The first is called tab completion. After you create the workshop directory, for example, try typing cd wo and then hitting tab — you’ll see that the shell fills in the rest of the directory or file name for you (if there are multiple options that start with those letters, your shell will either show you all of the options or do nothing — in either case, you’ll need to enter more letters and press tab again). The second is the use of the up arrow, which will scroll through all of your previous shell commands — once you find one that you like, you can hit return to execute it again.

A final tip on naming files and directories. Although modern shells try hard to accommodate special characters like spaces in file and directory names, these will sometimes (even often) cause trouble for your command line work. It’s highly recommended that you use only regular letters, numbers, and dash and underscore symbols in your file names to prevent any trouble later on.

2. Running command line programs

Now that we’ve discussed using the shell to navigate our file system, we’ll move on to discussing the idea of executing command line programs from the shell. In the same way that you have graphical applications on your computer that you can run with a double click, your computer comes bundled with many command line programs that you can run by typing their names into the shell. Some of these will simply take an input and spit out an output, while some of them will drop you into an entirely new environment specific to that program. We’ll examine both of these in turn.

Where does a program live?

The first kind of command line program are those that print their results right to the terminal in front of you. In fact, we’ve sneakily already seen several of these — it turns out that the various commands that we used in the last section are actually programs that are executed by the shell. If you want to see where these programs are saved on your hard drive (sort of like the command line equivalent of the Applications or Programs folder that you’re used to), use the command (excuse me, the program) which.

~$ which ls

This tells you that the program ls actually resides in a directory called bin that is found in the root directory of your file system. You’ve probably never gone there, and in fact most graphical operating systems will try to hide folders like this from you so that you don’t do something dangerous. You can easily cd into those folders and list their contents from the shell, if you’re curious, and with enough work you can also view them from your normal graphical operating system (on a Mac, for example, go to Finder, the Go menu, and Go To Folder, then type in the path /bin).

Passing arguments to a program

As we saw earlier, command line programs take two additional types of input, known as arguments and options (or flags). Arguments are the words that you type after the program name (touch file.txt, cd Desktop) and usually tell the program what file or directory it should perform its operations on. Options always start with a dash or two dashes and are used to modify how the program operates. For example, try running the ls command with the option -l. Sometimes options can themselves have arguments, so that you have the program name, the arguments, the options, and the arguments to the options.

Getting help in the shell

How do you know what arguments and options are available for each program? In most shells, you can type the command man followed by the name of the program, and you will be shown the help file for that command, which will list all of the available arguments and options (in Git Bash on Windows, try the name of the program followed by --help, as in ls --help). Use the arrow keys to scroll up and down, and type q to quit when you’re done.

Launching another environment

Aside from programs like ls that print their output right to the command line (in technical terms, they print to “standard output”), there are also programs that launch entire environments for themselves. One of those is the command line text editor nano. First, make sure that you’re in your workshop directory, then execute the command nano.

When you do this, your shell session will appear to vanish (don’t worry, it’s still there in the background), and you’ll be dropped into a very simple text editor. Enter the following lines in your text editor.

Wood Duck,5

When you’re done, as helpfully suggested by the lines at the bottom of your window, hit Ctrl-x to exit (the ^ symbol is shorthand for the Control key). It will ask you if you want to save the file — type Y for yes. Name the file ducks.csv and hit return. You’ll now be back in your shell session — run ls and you’ll see that you’ve created a new csv file in this directory.

You may recognize the file extension csv as standing for “comma separated values”, and you’ve probably opened csv files before in a spreadsheet program such as Excel. As suggested by the above, csv files are actually nothing more than plain text files in which the “columns” of data are separated by commas. As plain text files, command line programs (including version control software) can do a lot of useful things with csv files, making them a good alternative to Excel file formats for saving and working with tabular data.

Exercise 2

Create another file in this directory called owls.csv that indicates that you saw 4 Great Horned Owl, 3 Barn Owl, and 7 Short-eared Owl (use the same format as the ducks.csv file to enter this data).

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Exercise 3

There are a few ways to easily view plain text files from the command line. Try using the programs cat and less to view your owls.csv file. Can you see that one of these prints to standard out and one drops you into its own environment? (For the latter, press q to exit when you're done.)

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A very important command line program that we’ll be working with later is R, which (as you guessed) will read and execute R code. There are two ways that we’ll use the R program at the command line. First, if you just type R with no arguments, you’ll be dropped into what’s called the “R interpreter”, which is an interactive environment in which you can enter R commands and see output.

workshop$ R
R version 3.3.2 (2016-10-31) -- "Sincere Pumpkin Patch"
Copyright (C) 2016 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0 (64-bit)

Although your shell session has seemingly not vanished in the same way as it did when you opened nano, you’ll notice that your command prompt at the bottom of the screen now starts with > symbols instead of $. This helpfully indicates to you that you’re actually inside of the R interpreter, not the shell, at this point, and that whatever you type will be executed by the R interpreter program. Try typing ls and hitting return, for example, and notice that R has a very different kind of output. Type 2+2 and hit return, though, and you’ll see that R knows what to do with that. To quit, type quit() and press return, and you’ll see that the $ prompt indicates that you’re now back in the shell.

If you’re a python or Matlab user, you’ll notice that this looks a lot like what you see when you open the graphical programs for python and Matlab. In fact, if you have python installed on your computer, type the command python and hit return and you’ll see essentially the same type of interpreter that we just saw when we ran python, only now you’re in a python interpreter at the command line.

A second way to use the R program from the command line is to give R an argument that’s the path to a file containing R code — in this case, R will execute the code in that file, printing any output to the command line. We’ll make use of that approach in later lessons.

3. Chaining commands

You may have noticed (or inferred) that there are a whole lot of command line programs available to us, and that each of them performs a fairly narrow, specific task. This is one of the basic philosophies of the Unix operating system (and its derivatives like Mac OS X and Linux), where most of these command line programs originated). The idea is to have lots of small pieces, each of which do their job very well, that can be combined to create larger “pipelines” that perform more complex analyses. This is a perspective that will also be at the heart of our later discussions of structuring scientific programs. In this section, we’ll look at two basic techniques for combining programs and working with their output, known as redirects and pipes.

The first of these techniques, a redirect, is most commonly used to “redirect” the output that a program would normally print to your terminal window into a file. For example, the cat command, which we saw above, will print the contents of a file (or multiple files, glued together) to the terminal window.

workshop$ cat ducks.csv owls.csv
Wood Duck,5
Great Horned Owl,4
Barn Owl,3
Short-eared Owl,7

Let’s say that we want to create a combined csv file birds.csv that contains both the duck and the owl data. To do this, we can save the output of our cat command above to a file by using the > character, as shown below.

workshop$ cat ducks.csv owls.csv > birds.csv
workshop$ ls
birds.csv	ducks.csv	owls.csv
workshop$ cat birds.csv
Wood Duck,5
Great Horned Owl,4
Barn Owl,3
Short-eared Owl,7

While the redirect symbol > will create a new file, overwriting an old one if it exists, using >> will instead append the output to a file if it already exists.

Chaining commands with pipe

A second technique, a pipe, is used to turn the output of one program into the input for another program. Let’s say that we not only wanted to combine the duck and owl data, but we also wanted to sort the resulting combined table by bird name. For sorting, we can use the command sort, which prints the sorted contents of a file to the terminal.

workshop$ sort birds.csv
Barn Owl,3
Great Horned Owl,4
Short-eared Owl,7
Wood Duck,5
workshop$ sort birds.csv > sorted_birds.csv

Note how the output of sort birds.csv compares to the output of cat birds.csv. The second command here saves our sorted list to a new csv file.

Conceptually, we can see that what we’ve done is use cat to combine our two files, then take the result of that combination and give it to the sort command, then take the output of sort and save it to a file. The first two of these steps involves taking the output of one command and giving it to another, which here we’ve done by saving the intermediate file birds.csv. We can skip that step by using a pipe.

workshop$ rm birds.csv sorted_birds.csv
workshop$ cat ducks.csv owls.csv | sort > sorted_birds.csv
workshop$ cat sorted_birds.csv
Barn Owl,3
Great Horned Owl,4
Short-eared Owl,7
Wood Duck,5

Here we first removed birds.csv and sorted_birds.csv from our previous commands. Then we ran the cat command on our two files, piped the output of that command directly to sort, and redirected that output directly to our file sorted_animals.csv.

Exercise 4

The command wc counts the number of lines, words, and bytes in a file. Combine the command wc with a pipe or redirect command to instead save a text file, n_records.txt, that contains a count of the total number of records of both ducks and owls in sorted_birds.csv. (Hint: See the man page for wc for an option to count just the number of lines.)

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4. Finding things

We’ll close our quick tour of the shell by discussing how to use a well-known command line program, grepto find lines within files that match a pattern. Although grep is only one of many searching tools that you might use, it is very widely known, relatively simple to learn, and will give us the opportunity to briefly examine the topic of “regular expressions”.

The basic usage of grep involves two arguments, the first giving the string to match and the second giving the file to match it in. For example, if we wanted to find all of the animals with 3 sightings, we could run

workshop$ grep 3 sorted_birds.csv
Barn Owl,3

Since grep matches text strings, independent of their locations within lines, we can also easily search, for example, for all lines containing the letter “n”.

workshop$ grep n sorted_animals.csv
Barn Owl,3
Great Horned Owl,3

grep has lots of flags that change its behavior, and I encourage you to review these using man grep. For example, -n will print the number line for each match and -i makes the search insensitive to case.

workshop$ grep -n w sorted_birds.csv
1:Barn Owl,3
3:Great Horned Owl,4
5:Short-eared Owl,7
workshop$ grep -n -i w sorted_birds.csv
1:Barn Owl,3
3:Great Horned Owl,4
5:Short-eared Owl,7
6:Wood Duck,5

The real power of grep, however, comes from its ability to use a special language, known as regular expressions, to specify the search patterns. This allows us to include wildcards in our searches, and to search for more complex patterns than just consecutive letters. Regular expressions are a whole lesson unto themselves, but here are a few quick tips:

To use regular expressions in our grep calls, we use the option -E to denote that we’re using extended regular expression as our pattern. For example, here’s an expression to find all lines that start with the letter “G”

workshop$ grep -E '^G' sorted_animals.csv
Great Horned Owl,4

and one to find all the lines in which the second letter is “a”.

workshop$ grep -E '^.a' sorted_animals.csv
Barn Owl,3

Exercise 5

Using regular search strings or regular expressions where necessary, use grep to extract lines from sorted_birds.csv for which (1) the second letter is a vowel (four of the six birds), and (2) the line contains an "a" and later another "a" (Gadwall and Mallard).

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It’s usually the case in practice that we’ll combine grep with pipes and redirects to immediately do additional processing on the results of our search. For example, a very simple and common use case is grep TODO, which searches for and prints all of the lines (usually code comments) containing the string TODO that occur in the file

One final note about wildcards — unfortunately, there are several possible “languages” for using wildcards that you may encounter, and they are not consistent with each other. The other most widely used wildcard syntax is known as globbing, and it’s what’s used by the bash shell by default. The most important difference is the * symbol, which in globbing is used to represent any number of characters (like .* in a regular expression). So ls *.jpg, for example, will list all of the JPG files in a directory, cat a*.csv will print the contents of all csv files starting with the letter “a” in a directory, and mv *rd* /subdir will move all files containing “rd” into subdir.

Wrapping up

Now that you’re expert beginner shell users, here’s a final exercise to integrate all that we’ve learned so far.

Exercise 6

  1. cd to your desktop and create a directory called classes.
  2. Using nano, create two text files in this directory, fall.txt and spring.txt, which contain one line for the title and units of each class that you took last fall and that you will take this spring. For example, Intro Bio (3). If you’re beyond classes at this point in your career, you can use your imagination.
  3. Write a single command that uses pipes, redirects, and/or the programs that we’ve mentioned so far to save a file 3_unit_classes.txt that contains a line giving the count of the number of classes you will take this year that are exactly 3 units.

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